Yesterday was so hot I just sat outside in the 'garden' and took some pictures of Tansy, Curry Plant and Lavender... i was trying to get my little Canon G9 to take some close ups.. its not as good as my Nikon D100 but not to bad for a point and shoot!
a wee Skipper on a Lavender stock... i think of the insect world, Skippers are just the cutest, flitting about from flower to flower..
Tansy Ragwort being visited by one of our local bees
the beautiful and much maligned Curry Plant most people i know don't care for it... because it 'smells' like curry, but i love it and i love eating curry!! reminds me of a childhood favorite meal that my mother would make with leftover roast beef... there was no 'recipe' it was always just what was leftover!
boil several eggs, peel and cut into quarters (or close to)
chop leftover roast beef in small cubes
handful of raisins
dice an onion and saute in 'butter' (my mother used butter) with the cubes of beef and raisins
add a tsp of 'store bought' curry powder or garam masala if thats what you have,
a HEAPING Tbs of flour and mix all together...
add your chopped eggs, mix gently and then add water to make a sauce.... ( i add a bit of Yogurt if i have it)
salt and pepper to taste
serve over a bed of cooked rice...
that was it.. pretty simple ingredients but most delicious and stretched out that last bit of roast...
the setting sun and rising moon, the end of a very HOT day... thank goodness for the coolness of evening... we westcoasters aren't used to the baking heat, will be glad when the temperature drops down to 80!!
Beach day at last
1 day ago