are sometimes just impromptu wanderings... like yesterday... since it was a sunny day, figured that i and the 'brats' needed to get out and have a bit of adventure... so i made a picnic lunch... gathered my cameras, backpack and 2 very eager puppies and off we went.. into the wild green yonder ;) .... without a thought of 'where' i'd go or end up.... wasn't even sure if it was north or south.... but my car turned south... you know how that goes... just end up going a certain direction.... it was apparent that a lot of other people were on some sort of adventure too.... the road south is wonderfully windy, surf at my right, hills at my left... was very pleasant.. i got to Florence and decided that perhaps i should follow the river inland... made it to Mapleton and went to the little bookstore/snack bar and bought a book on Amphibians... after all, since i love them i should be able to identify their cute selves...
on the way home i stopped in at a small Pagan gallery, checked out some of his wares, and bought an interesting CD "Songs of the Cauldron" it's a celebration of Celtic, Druidism, Witches
i like it a lot... it's fun with thought...
went to the Landmark last night... what an adventure... as it usually is... it's most interesting to sit in a corner and 'watch'... interesting interactions, hugging, kissing and generally friendly behaviours, but sometimes testy, some real, some fakery... as i was watching people dancing i remembered a particularly interesting avi (video) that i'd seen a number of years ago... was of a dancing skeleton, female, with hair, and clothing... was mesmerizing... i tried to find it to post it, but no luck yet... anyways.. i 'imagined' people as skeletons... it made me think of art again... a fleeting moment i'm sure... the art thoughts just seem to come and go...unfortunately more go than come....
sunday mornings come all too soon... but a new day, a new adventure... visiting day... met with my friend's daughter and her new hubby... a new adventure for them is coming... farming of a sort.. i wish them well and hope they enjoy it as much as i love the land... and i'm sure they will be special additions to our small community...
had dinner and a movie at her house... mmm tasty shrimp salad and "Hairspray"....
life is good...
4 days ago