i rescued a small wooden bird feeder and wooden bird house, of which i'm going to 'transform' into a mosaic feeder and house... it will be good practice... Youtube has some great small tutorials on tiling... the last bit of tiling that i did was about 15 years ago.... and it was difficult to pry off the wall when we changed the 'decor' in the kitchen.. sooo figure i can somewhat master the art of mosaics....

been doing more research online, for gluten free recipes and information on celiac disease... no i don't think i'm a celiac, but i do believe that cutting out the gluten in my diet has definately helped with my joint pain and it seems to have stalled the multitude of trips to the bathroom and gutwrenching bloating that have seem to have increased the last year.... i think that if i cut gluten out for a couple of months and it helps, then good, if not, then it was nothing lost... if anything more gained, not only in the researching, but of learning new recipes and finding new blogs from gluten intolerant or celiac folks...
one of the best gluten free blogs that i've come across so far is Gluten-Free Girl ... she's a writer and illustrator by trade and her site is interesting to read as well as being fully of great recipes and information....