all i gotta say is BRRRR..... i think fall has arrived... and rather suddenly too... sighhhhh
was out in the garden this morning, t-shirt, sweater, long pants, gloves... and still chilly....
got some free stuff last night, from Freecycle... i love the idea of an internet access to free stuff.... i belong to 2 groups, one in Nanaimo, and one in Oregon, got the bases covered i figure... unfortunately i see free stuff at the one i'm not at.. LOL... but last night i did score... i got a dresser/buffet, 2 wooden stools, an indoor garbage can and a laundry basket full of apples....
it was dark when grandson and i went to get the items so it was a 'hope it's okay' type of thing... they were outdoors, in the dark, and i had to use my headlights to see by... anyways... i checked the items out this morning... the dresser, is used, needs some cleanup and some knobs and a set of casters... none of which should be difficult to do... its actually in pretty good shape... i've seen lots worse at the Sally Ann or Goodwill... oh and got more tiles... i'm just going to collect and collect and see what i come up with... i was playing with some of my tile bits last night and came up with an idea for making squares with them, then inserting in hobnob in the wall... my ultimate goal is to redo my tub surround which is rotting away as i type... sometimes decorating on a strict budget is difficult at best.. but kind of a fun project... just as long as i don't get junky, it should go okay... i'm still looking for a deep bathtub too... who knows, maybe i'll actually find something that is on sale or something... my ideal would be a lovely old clawfoot bathtub... how i wish!!!
3 weeks ago