THANK GOODNESS!!!!! YAY... that says it all doesn't it!!... was a wonderful summer, full of suprises and drama... children do that ..... but i survived another year... more grey hairs that i'd like to know about!!! well only myself and my hairdresser knows how many!!!
Labour Day weekend consisted of 2 cases of peaches that needed to be canned.. NOW, not tomorrow or the next day... so we canned 1 and a half cases and the rest were eaten... yum yum.. i'll take a pic of a couple of jars, when i get them back.. we did the assembly line at daughter's house... we're quick and organized so an afternoon went by quickly with 17 quarts looking all "peachy" and yummy...
yesterday was a certain grandbrat's 15th birthday... she's offically old now.. if you double her age, she'd be 30... remember the saying... 'never trust anyone over 30'... think that came from the 60s but i could be wrong!!! anyways dinner was a bbq at the other grandma's house, the grandpa cooking burgers and chicken... was pretty tasty and i got to sit around looking ravishing... just kidding!!!
got a few new pics..
this was a painting that Sian did last summer... and i love it... i framed it and it was on the wall, but needs a new home... at least while i have spare folks here....
i'm afraid the photo doesn't do it justice, the colours are very vibrant.. its really quite delightful... i guess its a grandma's thing, but hey i love it.. :D
Another beach closure
9 hours ago