Monday, January 18, 2010

Borscht, buns and the blahs.....

Bronze Fennel skeleton

Brussel sprout greens.... and yes lots of little brussel sprouts are still there, waiting for me to pick and cook....

Winter... blah... this ol' gal is not a winter person at all... except for one thing... i love to cook which is a good thing, and i love making soups and stews... this past weekend i made Borscht and cornmeal muffins/buns... i wish that the veggies had been all mine, but alas, no.. i had to buy them... i keep looking at my very sad garden and wishing it was spring... it's knee deep in muck because of all the rain we've had lately.... seems never ending... and my pond unfortunately is full and overflowing in the winter, dry as a bone in the summer when i could use it!

there is a promise of spring... a tease if you will... some snowdrops are peeking out and saying hello again world...

my garlic chives are poking their noses out too... but i'm afraid it's much too early and at any time the weather could change, an arctic blast could do some great damage.. i'm seeing some catkins already on some trees in the city... or perhaps the plants know something we don't....

on a very serious note.... Haiti... i confess i've been watching the news... so sad.. makes me want to scoop them all up and make it better... but myself and millions of others are sitting here helplessly watching the drama, suffering and great loss of the Haitian peoples... so if you read this, please please donate to the charity of your choice.. even a dollar will help.... if 30 million people donated a dollar that would be 30 million dollars... the rebirth of Haiti will be a very long and difficult road...
the disaster is a reminder of why we should be more selfsufficient... we north americans are blessed.. even if we think we are hard done by... we need to remember there are millions of people who are a breath away from death....

on that note... i'm excited, from Freecycle, i'm getting six old windows.. old fashioned ones, with the weighted openers (like in 100 yr old houses) and i have 3 skylights waiting in my shed.... now to decided what to do with them... if the new windows are in good shape i'm thinking of building in my front 'porch'... and perhaps extending it a bit... or perhaps the greenhouse i've always wanted... decisions decisions....