in the process of organizing my compost pile, i found my little lizard friend.. i hadn't seen him in several weeks and thought perhaps a raven had picked him off... there were a few empty flower pots in my way and i went to move them, there he was! Lizzie (why not huh) scurried under the pile of bricks and haven't seen him since.. Lizzie could be a female, didn't stop to chat and find out :D if so... lets hope there is a family of Lizzie babies in the rubble pile..
speaking of babies...... Mr and Mrs Limpy had 4 baby peacock chicks.. will go take some pics in a few days, hopefully they will be good till then.. i've not gone to see them yet, just letting the family be for now... baby chicks are food for many critters so hopefully Nora #2 will be a good momma.... up to this point she's probably laid a 100 eggs and never sat on them.. that job was left to Lucky the duck who didn't seem to mind being broody...
not the greatest picture... but......
my new quilt is on hold at least until the weather cools a bit.. even to hot to sew these days...i found some 'sally ann' specials, all of $3.00 worth, which should join all my beautiful Moda squares... for whom the quilt calls.. i know not... ;)
somethings grandbaby was doing may be in the quilt as well... i've been saving her art and was hoping to use it at some point.... she does everything from memory.. will just ask for paper and pencil and for an hour or so will draw and draw then whoosh she's done ....these days she's got a fascinated with Pokemon....