were wandering the streets last night... the dogs were on high alert and since i hadn't seen them yet, i wondered what was running down the street... was it kids or a dog? i could just hear clattering on the pavement.... as our walk became a 'drag' and the puppies were anxious to sniff everything, it became apparent that whatever it was, must be exciting for the nostrils... on the way back they both stopped at the edge of bonnie jean's garden and pointed in the direction of a particularly dark corner...... and there were the deer... peeking out behind her raised bed... no doubt munching on something tasty....
the weather this morning has taken a turn for the worse... barometric pressure is dropping... rain soon to arrive... and perhaps the last wind storm of the winter season.... woohoo :D
just saw on t.v. a feline kidney transplant.... hmmmm $10,000.00 for the operation... what disturbs me is that they used a cat that was in a shelter... in return for the good kidney, the cat gets to have a home.... something about that, just doesn't strike me as being right.... money talks i guess....
4 days ago