are done...... so for now all my canning is finished.. woohooo... the tomatoes are ripening on the vine, but slowly...
i've had to cover them the whole season... never got the cover off.. but what is coming is good... so i guess i can't complain about them... just not the quantity i was hoping for... but since i got 2 cases of tomatoes, mixed paste and regular, i okay with whats there.. nothing like a fresh picked, pop in your mouth tomato!!!
last night i picked a couple of cabbages from the garden, the green cabbages are tiny, but the red ones are okay and look much better... i only have a few, but hey, a few is better than none...
i'd like to move the one garden spot and put it closer to my house.. maybe next spring... when i have more energy... LOL... i have big plans... now to find someone to build them.. i want a small greenhouse next year too... i'm getting some decent peppers this year, but only because they've been covered and treated extra special... the eggplants... well, they will make nice compost ;) .... thats all they are good for.. but compost is like gold, so i won't complain!!!
Another beach closure
2 hours ago