hmmmhmmm i've been tardy... i did say i'd post.. and here i go...abet a few days have passed since the last time....
BUT since then i've made bread and better pickles, mustard bean pickles, brined cucumbers (deli style) and am in the process of making pickled silverskin onions... this morning i opened up the jars of brined cucumbers... OMG!!! they are beginning to smell just like the dill pickles i love.. u know the ones.. they are at the deli and come with your fav veggie or pastrami sandwich!!! can't wait to give them a try in another few days... the trick supposedly is to only let them brine for a few days, and when they are to your liking, off to the fridge they go....
i only wish i was closer so i could share the spoils with you.... yum yum!!!
i've been trying hard to not eat wheat, and fell off last night... funny thing is that i bloated like crazy, felt very ill and spent a night of gas and finally upchucking... sooo back to the no wheat, i'm not sure if it's the culprit but am thinking that its a good possiblity.... whatever .. i feel better without it and not so bloated....
made a loaf of semi gluten free and it didn't agree with me either... so this morning... another recipe.. fully gluten free...
i've been on the prowl for gluten free recipes and came across some pretty good blogs...
Gluten Free Mommy is a good one... she has some great links as well..
MMMMGOOD was the Gluten Free Mommy's Millet Oat Bread recipe.. i didn't have all the ingredients so made some substitutions... like Coconut Flour for the Sweet Rice Flour... and used my basic 'flour' mix for the base flour amount... pretty much if it adds up to the same amount it should work!! starch for starch tho... not sure of the chemistry but i'm sure that is one thing that does make a difference...
yesterday was kind of fun... went to Habitant for Humanity store... found some 'fake' bricks and other assorted 'fake' stone 'thingies'... all for $15.00... which is pretty much a steal for that stuff... still not sure what i'll do with it but who knows... my poor lilacs need a new space, their pots are crumbling as i type... sighhh... but for 4 years in the same pot.. not doing so bad.... anyways will have to make myself do some labour i guess..
the day before i found some board ends (cedar) from Gogo's mill... so promptly brought those home too... one never knows when these things will be used...
fertilized all my garden stuff today, its grey and lightly cloudy.. if that makes any sense!! so used the 'stinky' fish fertilizer.. wasn't too bad actually... it's a new to me brand... mmm good sniffing for black dogs...
4 days ago