Thursday, April 21, 2011

Earth Day 2011 .... love our earth.....

whether your on the beach or beside the ocean

wandering in the forest

 or in the desert


or small

or just hanging around...

wherever you are

to you all...

Ayn Rand


Out on the prairie said...

As a teen for the first Earth Day I had my eyes opened to a new perspective enjoying the land around me. It has never stopped growing.

Roasted Garlicious said...

for me, most days are Earth Day, i grew up surrounded by nature so it's just there... and you and i are fortunate that we can share our love with our cameras and now with internet :D

Carpe Diem said...

What a great post and lovely photos! Happy Earth Day RG!

Geno said...

I see Earth day as a celebration of the earth and all its wonders that we live in and embrace, much as Easter is a celebration of Christianity and all its wonders that we live in and embrace. Happy Earth Day to you!

Mr. H. said...

Beautiful pictures...have a wonderful day.:)

Roasted Garlicious said...

Thanks Carpe Diem, Geno and Mr. H... i figure everyday should be earth day :D...
i managed to do a bit of gardening and general clean up on earth day, sometimes one has to clean the homefront ;)

Consider It Done Moving Company said...

Amazing photos! I had a great time reading your post!