very afraid....... yesterday in ' Take back Urban Home-stead(ing)s 'there was a lengthy discussion on Monsanto and seeds and one of the statements on the Monsanto page was "In the hands of farmers, better seeds are helping the world grow more, while using less. Researchers around the world, in both the public and private sectors, are working to improve seeds through the use of advanced breeding and biotechnology."
the catch word that got to me was BREEDING..... i had no idea that seeds bred... not realizing that Monsanto also was 'playing God' in the animal world too... i must have been sleeping...... missed a few years i guess...
i made comment about the breeding part and nobody replied to it so that got me snooping around on the net and i found a link to a movie which shows what Monsanto is doing and if continues will be doing to everyone on this afraid.... very afraid....
Wide Eye Cinema presents........ Patent For a Pig: The Big Business of Monsanto
the movie is not current but i think very valid as there are many 'new' and 'current' things that Monsanto has done that should make you go hmmmmmmmm and run to your nearest garden and plant those heritage, unmodified seeds and tend to your unpatented GMO free fed flock of critters......
Why I look in tide pools
14 hours ago
Thanks for the video link, my wife and I look forward to watching the horror of it all tomorrow. Truly, greed will be the downfall of all of us in the end, at which time perhaps the animals can have the planet back...if there are any left.
so scary Mr. H and the worst part is that so few people actually seem to care that our food has been doctored, poisoned and served back to us... it's much like the Ostrich head in the sand syndrome i think.....
For a conference with Dow and Monsanto as the organizers a friend was asked to make commemortive mugs to pass out as gifts. He added, "Support Organic Farming" stickers to the bottom. He lost his job of over 11 years for this humerous action.
o my Out on the prairie.. but i guess we aren't suprised are we :( i hope that he found an even better job....
Yeah it's extremely disgusting and warped what Monsanto is allowed to blatantly do. So many people are unaware or don't want to be aware. They don't want to know where their food comes from, they don't want to know where that animal lives, how it is treated, butchered, etc. They would rather turn a blind eye, ignorance is bliss and all that BS and one day (like tomorrow) it's going to come back and bite them in the ass. I love the video of the 11 year old He has a great point regarding who do you want to pay, the farmer or the hospital? When it comes to people complaining that local, organic foods are more expensive, etc.
This whole story about Monsanto reminds me of the movie, 'A Bugs Life' .. we are the ants they are the grasshoppers. We have a few ants aware of the problem and the rest need to rise up for a revolt .. but I'm afraid Monsanto's damage cannot be undone. Very sad.
thanks for your comments Kinda Like a Chef and Mrs. Mac .. that was a great video Kinda Like a Chef... if one little boy gets it... whats the matter with us!!
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