and my deepest apologies ..... i've been away for so long... i'm not exactly sure where i've been... i did all the gardening things, canned and preserved things for winter.... and then the doldrums.... long doldrums... but not unhappy... just bleh... between driving grandkids back and forth to school and doing family things, and even a quilt i've been quite busy over the winter....
you (if i have any followers left) might have wondered what happened to me, i received several notes from people wondering if i was okay, i replied and hopefully you got them...
you might wonder what woke me up...... facebook did.. royally... a mental stirring if you will... the issue of trademarks and a certain family that have created quite a stir....... i suppose i'm not suppose to mention the issue at hand without referring back to them.. but tough... since URBAN HOMESTEADING (minus the damn trademark) has been around for a very very long time... the issue that they 'invented' it.. is obsurd... my grandparents were 'urban homesteaders'... they lived in a small town and had a huge garden, chickens, fruit trees, berries and the like.. my aunt and uncle lived next door and had a huge garden, chickens, ducks, turkeys, geese, sheep, goats AND 4 pigs.... all URBAN, all homesteaders... thats what people did to survive, have clothing often and other assorted things.. self sufficiency wasn't something that was hip/cool or anything else.. it just WAS..... as for today's world... the more URBAN HOMESTEADERS the merrier!!! we all need to be more self sufficient, to share and care and just be supportive of each other....
i've 'liked' several 'organizations on Facebook because they all 'give a damn' about the issue... for myself, i worry about the precedent that it's setting... i could go on about it, but i suspect that most of you are more than aware of whats going on...
here's a link.. many articles and blogs are out there with their opinions etc....
ahhh i feel much better.... my rant for now is done... but definately not forgotten..
just a note.. was out in the greenhouse... i have tiny arugula, lettuces and cress which have popped their cute little green heads out into the big cold world........ bees are arriving during the warmer part of the day, my snowdrops, crocuses are blooming and the daffodils are a couple of inches up... i planted some peas yesterday, covered them with reemay and we shall see.... it's earlier than i normally plant peas but then again...
YAYYYYYY spring is on the way........
see my new washing machine... i'm sooooo jazzed... been looking for a very long time!!! it's an 'apartment' sized one and will be perfect in the summer when my water is at a premium!!! it was a very worthwhile $75.00 and is in mint condition...