been awhile since i last posted.. since the last depressing post, i've been kind of in a funk... i hadn't realized how much the death of ms cougar affected me... mr bear i've heard also joined ms cougar in heaven... i really just don't get it... if you live in the country, one should meld with the country and that includes our wild life...'townies' as my children call them... come out to the country, spot the most beautiful site... say " this is the most beautiful spot' promptly bulldoze and build a McMansion right on 'the most beautiful spot'... then when a wild critter does wander forth, promptly phone the 'conservation officer' who comes out and if the animal is deemed a 'threat' then disposes of the 'problem'..... when all along the 'problem' was the human..... my son in law stated this recently... ' you know, the best thing we could do for the wildlife is drive it away, then our neighbours won't have anything to shoot at, complain about or generally 'hate'..... how sad is that....
anyways... enough 'funk'.... i'm trying to be cheery and happy about the fact that the deer arrived and ate a goodly portion of the leaves off my apple tree..... daughter says 'mom, they gotta eat too'...
arrrumphhhh just not MY apple tree!!! that poor apple tree has been delicious for too many things this year... aphids, apple caterpillars and now deer.... it still has apples tho... at least for now....
Baby Finches that is.... i've been watching this family come and go from my feeder... i've been debating whether or not i should leave it up as momma is teaching babies to come to the feeder and not go scrounge for goodies in the wild...yesterday i noticed she had them on the ground and they were busy pecking about soooo.....
i also have an enormous amount of kale seeds just about ready to burst forth give any self respecting bird a tasty treat... for the birds i've always left any last bits of kale, mustard, or any types of greens to go to seed but kale is definitely the most prolific ... anyways i'm thinking momma finch is going to do the proper thing and teach babies that seeds are on the plants and on the ground... not just in my feeder!!
2 days ago
Hey Garlic, those are some great shots of momma and babies. Its been so long since we have had a feeder that I forgot how nice it can be to "backyard" birdwatch.
I understand what you mean about us humans being the problem all to often, I try to keep my impact minimal and in tune with nature, but it is all to easy to upset the balance and justify even the small things I think are necessary.
Anyhow, glad to hear that you are feeling better. It has been a long time since I have posted but there will be an update soon!
For the past few years we have had a large mother deer and her little ones spend the spring with us. Last year because of the harsh winter she had two fawns and this spring because of the much milder winter she only had one...interesting how that works.
Anyway, regardless of what others might say it is not that hard to live with the animals if one tries. The dear and our dog even avoid each other as long as she stays out of the yard surrounding our house.
I truly understand your "blues" as I also often ponder what gives us the right to encroach upon forest land filled with animal occupants and expect them to leave. One would think that at the very least we could make an attempt to live lightly and with nature rather than always against it.
Oh well, someday this world will no doubt go back to the animals once we have depleted all of its resources and can no longer sustain ourselves.
Cheer up! The baby finches are adorable.:)
thanks Geno and Mr. H... watching the babies come and go has been fascinating ( i have no life apparently ;) ) and it does cheer my soul.. i agree Mr. H when all is said and done, the animals will once again rule our world... Geno do post soon!! how's it going with your new job/home/life??
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