just how many times can one eat the same soup........ i don't seem to be able to manage to just make a small pot of soup, it always ends up to be a big pot of whatever kind of soup i'm making... yesterday's fare was leftover leftover potato leek soup... not the mushy creamy kind but soup with chunks of potatos, leeks, carrots, celery and whatever else i had handy that i thought would make it tasty.... when i made it a few days ago, it was fresh and tasty, served with fresh french bread, butter, cheese and a most delicious lemon cake, which my friend brought.. mmm was very good... but unfortunately that was a few days ago.. now the soup flavours have melded together, the potatoes more than soft, the leeks turning to semi-mush... still tasty, but i'm sick of it, and i've still got a quart or so leftover ... time for a transformation i'd say... Veggie Pot Pie ... i cut some cabbage, red peppers and mushrooms, sauteed them in a bit of Olive Oil, added a cup of Barley and about a teaspoon of Bragg ... for those who might not know.. Bragg is a tasty 'alternative' to soy sauce... the flavour is close enough for me... adds a rich flavour to whatever you add it to... and according to their website 'good for you' and all i know is that it's been around for a long time .... for the pot pie, i made a biscuit topping from my biscuit mix recipe and baked for 30 mins... i tried taking a picture of the end product but nothing seemed to work.. my lighting just wasn't co-operating so i gave up and ate some! was delicious... the barley worked great in soaking up the excess flavours and liquid, transforming my 'soup' to a great little pot pie... kitchen recycling at one of it's best!!!
here's my photo for today... in the Bee Theme... i took this a few years ago... the Comfry flower supplied the backdrop for a bit of drama....
5 days ago
I love the sound of both your soup and pot pie. I must get the family baker, Mrs. H., to make me one some time soon. She excels at soup and baked goods I handle the other dishes, it works out quite well.
Your comfrey picture is very beautiful, It's funny that you mentioned it as we were just talking about it the other day. We are planning on growing some this year for the first time. The fall reminants are supposed to be an excellent addition to the compost pile as they speed up decomposition and add nitrogen. I'm off to look up Bragg.
By the way, I keep forgetting to mention how much I like your new header pictures.:)
thanks Mr. H.. Comfry is a most wonderful plant.. sooooo easy to grow, looks beautiful, good for compost, good for salves and when Poomba lived here, was something of a delicious snack as far as he was concerned!!!
Oh, that made me feel all hungry! I had to check out your blog since our dogs and Rowdy are all going into the gardening business together. I think they will do quite well... Is there a picture of your Dora? I assume the profile picture is not of her. :) Silke
there ya go Silke
a pic of both Dora and Sampson.... i thought i'd written and included some pics in earlier postings.. but i'm not able to find them.. disorganized i am ;)
Your dogs are quite beautiful!! Winslow thinks so, too! :) Silke
thanks Silke!!! i'm sure Dora would fall in love with Windslow.. she's such a tart sometimes ;)
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