Monday, August 24, 2009

Darling Darlingtonia Californica....

A truly remarkable species, at least in my edge of the world... there is a small State Park in Florence Oregon that is dedicated solely to the Darlingtonia Californica , the park is free, the walk is short, and the plants are amazing... unfortunately we've missed them blooming, which is in May and June but still a wonderous sight indeed! i do have pictures of them blooming, which i took at another time, but they are back in Canada, or i would have scanned them and included them in this posting.. nonetheless the links i've posted are awesome, the photos remarkable..
my daughter says they are 'alien'... they do look rather alien, with their hoods and split 'tongues', a rather reptilian breed, waiting for unsuspecting flies to wander into their traps..their method of reproduction is rather unique and a bit of a mystery it seems... if your interested please read the links i've posted, well worth the read...


Mr. H. said...

What an interesting plant, I have never seen anything like it. They do look a bit like little aliens.

Roasted Garlicious said...

they are very cool!! and very large!! i wish i could have gotten closer for better pics.. and i've seen them in bloom.. quite the showing!!