Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The look of........

fall...... its arrived.. not so slowly but here, nonetheless... the leaves are changing, crinkling on the edges, turning red for some, fall already for others... the tomatoes are ripening and the new crop of fall peas are about 3 inches high...
a couple of days ago i got a treat... the most wonderful one in awhile... at the living room window the dogs started growling and watching carefully, at first i thought it was the neighbour's dog.. i looked out....... WOW is all i can say... a rare glimpse of an Elk... i say rare because there's never one been reported out this way... they are usually deep in the mountains in the centre of the island... not sure why he/she was here, but a more beautiful site i've not seen in awhile... sad to say... BOTH cameras were in my car.... so just a memory .... and hopefully creator will make it so it doesn't end up in someone's freezer...

yesterday we had a forest fire relatively close to here... arson again.. someone has been busy setting fires in the area.. if they only knew the damage and destruction they are creating... not only for the humans, but enviromentally... i hope they are caught soon, the forests are dry and crackling....

today is Sian's birthday... the ripe old age of 9, will take some pictures at her dinner tonight.. a family affair.. she didn't want any of her school friends.. so family it is... hotdogs and pizza and cake on the menu..

Monday, September 8, 2008

'THE' election....

is driving me NUTS!!! blah blah blah... half told truths, half hidden lies... thats my opinion on it.. and i'm seeing a country bamboozled by beauty and newness... sort of similar to a new chocolate bar... mmm good to the eye, bad for the tummy.... not everything in the chocolate bar is listed.. a burp is coming .... my opinion of course...

here's an article by Gloria Steinhem... well written and thought out.. i was never a feminist but i thank them for the inroads they made into society, and the importance of their work....
anyways... Palin: wrong woman, wrong message .... i do worry that there is a reversal of the breakthroughs of the 60's, the freedom movements, the feminist movements... somethings i'm in agreement that they weren't all good things.. but personally, i'm not in favour of going back to the 'good old days, of mama in the kitchen, keeping her mouth shut, producing babies at a bunny rate'... if your interested, at the bottom of Ms. Steinhem's article is a link to the comments... YIKES is all i have to say...

speaking of the kitchen.... i'm in there because i want to be, because i love to cook....
so we canned our hearts out again... managed to accidently fall into some very cheap pears, plums and nectarines and corn on the cob ... we got 21 quarts of pears and daughter froze the plums and nectarines until we're ready to make jam or jelly... mmmgood... thank goodness for the feed store that gets 'deals on fruits and veggies..... as for the corn... today i scraped the cobs and made a pretty interesting casserole...
corn, zucchini, kale, swiss chard, peppers, garlic and onion, all sauteed then i sliced tomatoes and grated some mixed cheeses and baked till golden brown and bubbling....

i took a small 'holiday' .. to Youbou... spent the evening and sunday at my friend's house, she cooked, i cleaned..... her puter.. was great!!! had a lovely visit with her and another friend... and when i went to leave... she gave me a huge piece of spring salmon... mmmm Candied Salmon here we come!!! perhaps tomorrow we'll start on it.. takes a bit of prep work, the smoker and a great recipe!!!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Kitchen mornings......

are great... at least i think so... this morning i made yogurt and am trying out a new recipe... it's from Gluten-Free Vegan and is a gluten free bread recipe, it's in the oven and smelling delicious as it's cooking... so will update later... it was easy to mix, but i'm terrible for 'rearranging' to suit.. since i didn't have all the ingredients... i've added a few 'extras' such as coconut flour and a dash of millet flour, some quinoa flour and a bit of nutritional yeast... it didn't call for any eggs, but i'm thinking i might try an egg next time for better binding... then it should be easier to slice...it's all cooked and cooled.. had a slice... it's got an excellent flavour, i think it's one worth repeating, including my 'extras'...

this recipe also calls for it to be in the freezer or fridge after cooking... does that mean i have to actually CLEAN OUT the fridge??? yikes!!! i know there are green monsters lurking in corners.....

this morning is lovely and peaceful... the sun is out, the dogs are outside, the t.v. is off... ahhh silence except for the quiet tapping of keys... and slurping of a leftover morning coffee...

not bad for a hump day :D

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

First day of school...... (and some pics)

THANK GOODNESS!!!!! YAY... that says it all doesn't it!!... was a wonderful summer, full of suprises and drama... children do that ..... but i survived another year... more grey hairs that i'd like to know about!!! well only myself and my hairdresser knows how many!!!
Labour Day weekend consisted of 2 cases of peaches that needed to be canned.. NOW, not tomorrow or the next day... so we canned 1 and a half cases and the rest were eaten... yum yum.. i'll take a pic of a couple of jars, when i get them back.. we did the assembly line at daughter's house... we're quick and organized so an afternoon went by quickly with 17 quarts looking all "peachy" and yummy...

yesterday was a certain grandbrat's 15th birthday... she's offically old now.. if you double her age, she'd be 30... remember the saying... 'never trust anyone over 30'... think that came from the 60s but i could be wrong!!! anyways dinner was a bbq at the other grandma's house, the grandpa cooking burgers and chicken... was pretty tasty and i got to sit around looking ravishing... just kidding!!!

got a few new pics..

this was a painting that Sian did last summer... and i love it... i framed it and it was on the wall, but needs a new home... at least while i have spare folks here....

i'm afraid the photo doesn't do it justice, the colours are very vibrant.. its really quite delightful... i guess its a grandma's thing, but hey i love it.. :D